Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Why "Svegliamo Cremona"?

I'll tell you a secret: The URL address of my blog is an Italian word game.
Sveliamo Cremona means 'We wake up Cremona', but svegliamo is also a particular verb because of first three and last three letters:
SVE - is an abbreviation of Servizio Volontario Europeo (Eng. EVS - European Voluntary Service) and
AMO - is LOVE... just to mention that I'm totally in love with Cremona and Italy :)

Sunday, 25 March 2012

voglio andare al mare!

It is always a good idea to go to the seaside, isn't it? This time definitely it was, although the seaside in Genova surprised me a bit... It's very industrial, without any beach, umbrellas and sand. 
Anyway, we (me and Iga - Polish EVS in Cremona) enjoyed the trip very much.

a little bit of Polish culture in Italy 

funny only for Polish people...

Great restaurant! I have to get back here!

la colazione al porto

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

La cucina di casalinga

Let's face the truth. I chose Italy for my EVS not only because of the excellent project I found. There was one more reason and I'm sure you already know what it was... Italian cuisine...

In fact I'm not an expert of cooking but I'm trying to improove my skills and - believe me - till the end of my EVS i'll be the master of pasta :) For now i'm an expert of eating, but below you can see some photos of my variations on Italian cuisine. Buon appetito!

La colazione italiana :) 

Green-white-red. Italian flag on a plate means perfect meal. True story.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Mi piace imparare le lingue straniere...

Today was my first Italian lesson. I realized that I have to do my best to learn Italian so I’m studying hard to know new words and phrases. Well, It is said that it is much more easier to learn foreign language when you can hear it all the time. Sounds logical, isn't it? Anyway, I’m going to prove it :)
For now I’m repeating all the time one sentence Mi piace imparare le lingue streniere to believe that I can do it cause I like it. 
I have to mention that Italians are very helpful with getting to know their language too! Although some of them would rather teach me inappropriate words or cremonese dialect... Of course I appreciate it so much! ;)

C'e scioglilingua italiana. Provi a dire che :) /
It's italian tongue-twister. Try to say it :)

Monday, 12 March 2012

Primavera a Milano

It was more than obvious that I'll back to Milan soon, cause my firts visit in this city lasted about half an hour which I spent on the station Milano Centrale (which is very impresive btw). I decided that my first Sunday in Italy will be perfect for giving Milano the second chance.

I almost get used to live in the much more smaller town than Warsaw, cause Cremona is so friendly and cool that I can't complain at all. Actually I think I don't need to live in a big city to be happy, but second visit in Milan made me realise I love big cities...

Friday, 9 March 2012

In the meantime on Via Palestro...

I live in an one-roomed apartment in a building that belongs to Comune di Cremona. It is situated on the centre of the town in the Via Palestro. There are lots of schools and because of this I don’t have to turn on my morning alarm to wake up at 8 a.m. I truly believe it is better to be woken up by laughing children, church bells and other sounds of town than by a ringing phone with an option of five-minutes nap...

I don't have any flatmate and I've already noticed some pros and cons of this situation. I'll tell about them soon and now I'll show you how beautiful my building is: